I designed a 5 Minute Recipe Alexa app which suggests the users with quick recipes that can be prepared easily in 5 minutes. It also provides the users with ingredients that are required with step by step instructions for the meals.
This helped me gain voice design experience using user personas and user flows. This app was built through Alexa Development Console
User Persona
Created User personas to understand the users needs and goals, speaking style and the to know how internet savvy they are.
Interview Questions
Key Insights
User Stories
Sample Dialogs
User Flows for Voice
User Flow Intent Map
I grouped my user stories and identified various functions that fall under each unique Intent. Then, I used sample dialogs to create user flows from 4 of these Intents.
Voice Scripts
I created scripts for the primary functions of the Five Minute Recipe skill. This include the following intents:
Choose Meal
Choose Type
Choose Ingredients
Usability Testing for Voice Interactions
As a result of Usability Testing, Overall the users were positive about the “5 Minute Recipes” Alexa skill, and 4 out of 5 said they would give it a try when skill becomes available on the market. It was very helpful in understanding what the users expect from the skill.
However, the participants preferred the visual recipes when cooking, either from the cookbook or from the Internet.