UX Case Study

Vocabulary Application

Overview & Objective

‘Flash Deck!’ is a language app intended for people who are interested in learning a language and want to know their progression throughout the levels. The app will offer short lessons, and allow users to take the Quiz to assess their progress.

User Interviews

I then conducted interviews with three participants who had all previously learnt a language, intending to get insight on the following questions:

  • How much time would users be able/willing to spend on an app?

  • What learning style would they most appreciate? E.g. visual or aural

  • What stopped users from continuing to learn in the past

  • Should this be a solitary learning experience or do users value a test-like situation, either against the app or involving other users

User Interview Analysis


User Persona

From the answers obtained from user interviews a proto-persona was created, highlighting the behaviors and key needs and goals of the user. 


User Flows


Wireframing & Prototyping


Usability Testing

Testing was conducted with five participants and focused on the basic navigation of ‘Flash Deck!’ and the word creation aspect of the app, in particular how easy it is for users to save a word and take the Quiz.


Usability Test Results


Revisions to Prototype


Link to the Revised Prototype
